Eye Bags Removal via Accusculpt Laser, an aesthetic clinic procedure with RJ Clinic

Prior to this post, I have introduced RJ Clinic and documented my journey of a chin filler and botox to balance the lower half of my face. Today, I'll be sharing on the second procedure that I've done with them - eyebags removal.

Eyebags Removal via a surgical procedure.

I could very well say that my eyebags are part of my genes because I have them at an early age - during my teenage years, to be exact. I do find them annoying, and I have tried various eye creams in hopes of reducing its unsightly appearance. So far, eye creams that I've tried could only help reduce the darkened areas (dark circles) but could not help in reducing the "bulging shape" protruding under my eyes.

I've always toyed with the idea of getting them removed permanently but never knew such a procedure existed! That is when I found out that RJ Clinic offers Eyebags Removal using Accuscuplt Laser procedure.

What is Accusculpt Laser?

An eyebags removal surgical treatment completed in about 15 minutes for both sides, it is a painless one as local anesthetic is injected beforehand. The procedure includes the removal and/or adjustment of fatty tissues under the eyes to eliminate the bags. Most patients resume the majority of normal activities 1 week after eye bag surgery. Full recovery usually takes 4-6 weeks, depending on the body’s natural healing pace.

Therefore, if you wish to look good during Chinese New Year, now's the best time to get it done so that you'll look your best during then ;)

The Actual Process

There will be a consultation prior to the surgical procedure to address patient's concerns and expectations. A 3D photo taking session will take place to record your current state and to give you an idea of how you will look like, after the procedure. Rest assured, the doctor will be able to provide a Medical Cert for work/school absence for this surgical procedure if need be.

Once those are done, the eyebags areas will be marked and your face will be covered in iodine to remove any unwanted bacteria and microorganisms.

Once the areas have been identified, the doctor then inserts the needle for local anesthetic, to numb the said areas. It takes a few minutes for the anesthetic to kick in and by then, the areas including the top of lips would be painless.

To be honest, the anesthetic injection is the only pain you would feel during the process. And as for me, one side of my face feels more pain sensations than the other (according to the doctor, this is normal).

The laser is then inserted through a hole puncture at the sides of my temples, below the eyes. There will be a red light shining through my skin. From my perspective (when my eyes are closed), there is something really bright moving under the skin around my eyes, but I do not feel any pain. When the red light is activated, it releases a beeping sound - much like a quick ticking sound. Of course, it makes me feel a little scared but I know that everything will be alright as I'm in the hands of a very good doctor.

Watch the 5-minutes video below to observe how the procedure is done.
FYI the video is conducted in Mandarin.

Once the laser process is over, a bag of ice is placed on top of the area for about 30 minutes for quicker recovery. And that's it!


Right after the surgery, sans makeup. Notice the 2 hole punctures on the sides? Bruises are minimal at this point.

Day 1 Post Surgery - with light makeup on. Bruises are barely noticeable. They look like pimples instead! lol.

Day 3 Post Surgery - Bruises are apparent, but healing quickly.

Day 7 Post Surgery - Bruises are completely gone! I can look pretty even without any makeup :D

I'm really happy that I look years younger now, especially that the problem is now well taken care of. The recurrence of having eye bags again really depends on one's lifestyle habits from now onwards. Take good care of them by having early nights, a healthy diet and also a good beauty regime!

The Clinic

This write-up is based purely on my personal opinion, with treatment done by Dr Cheok, RJ Clinic.
I can only say good things about this clinic because they really treat all their patients with good service and care (it was evident for other patients too, during my visits there).

No. 468-G-9, Ground Floor, Block G, Rivercity,
Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 3rd Mile Jalan Ipoh,
51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


If you are interested in getting a filler treatment done, use code “GRACEMYU10” to be entitled to ONE complimentary SilkPeel or Carbon Laser treatment.


  1. My eyes suffer with bags at time from lack of sleep, and Dermalmd eye cream rejuvenates under my eyes, adds moisture and suppleness. The price is so affordable as well, have purchased eye cremes for $65 and up in the past! I place the crรจme in my refrigerator, as the coolness reduces any bags even more!


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