A Birthday Treat at AsterSpring & Review

Hi, beauties!

I know it's been awhile since I talked something related to beauty on my blog, so here's a little treat for you! Some of you have been asking me (directly/indirectly) how exactly do I upkeep my skin these days, so here's a little breakdown for you:

Grace's Beauty Routine
Daily beauty routines (Day & Night)
Makeup remover > Cleanser > Toner > Serums / Ampoules > Moisturizer > Sunscreen

Weekly facial masks
Clay mask for pores > Sheet/Gel mask for hydration

Monthly laser facials
Done at aesthetic clinics

Monthly traditional facials
Done at beauty parlors

Reading all the above sounds tedious?
For me, it really isn't because it has become a no-brainer, daily routine. Of course, I started out with just simple steps first then gradually adding in when I feel more "skin help" is needed.

I have gone to various facial places (some independent and some commercialized) but I always go back to AsterSpring when it comes to intense facials.
I call it intense because they have advanced machines to assist the facial treatments.

Since I have been to AsterSpring many times and I genuinely love their treatments there, I thought I would do a walkthrough of my recent facial there.

My typical facial session starts with a short consultation with skin experts. Once we have identified my skin needs, we decide on a facial treatment. During my recent visit, I mentioned that my skin was dehydrated and also sensitive - so I was recommended for Skin Calming Treatment. The process would take about an hour so I was in for a (birthday) treat!
(My visit was a day after my actual birthday, so I was definitely getting a special treatment from the therapists)

Since I wasn't wearing any makeup, the therapist proceeded to cleanse and exfoliate my face in a gentle and firm massaging manner.

Later on, my face was covered in a foamy liquid that acts to soften my skin (which smells great!) and a steamer was placed facing directly at me to prep for pre-extraction.


The extraction is slightly painful but totally bearable. I believe this is something that most people would want to know before proceeding with the facial (RIGHT? haha).

After extraction is done, my skin was covered with an oatmeal mask (my fave scent in AsterSpring!). According to my therapist, some people love it while others hate it. If you are a fan of "baby food", you would definitely like this. I think people might dislike it because it reminds them if their toddler's gag *whoops*

After that, my face is then provided with nutrients using Dermalogica products. 

The Results?

My skin felt very soft and moisturizing.
No redness even after extraction.
Spots are reduced and pore size is even minimized.

I even got a bouquet of flowers from the team too for my birthday 😍

If you are ever considering to book a facial, do give AsterSpring a try.
They usually have first trial promotions for new customers, especially during the month of May and June (in conjunction with Mother's Day and Father's Day).

These are my treatment details if you're curious --

Calming, soothing, hydrating, strengthening & repairing for sensitive/fragile skin type

55 minutes

AsterSpring Centre – RM315
AsterSpring Signature Centre – RM335


That's it for today!
It's been a hectic month for me - 
especially with my birthday, Sephora sale, the Malaysia elections, Mother's Day and short vacays.

Stay connected with me on my Instagram @gracemyu.
I update over there pretty often 😉
