Althea Halloween Surprise Unboxing: RM504 Worth of Beauty For RM207

It's OCTOBER and it's that time of the year to celebrate

With that in mind, Althea has curated a SPOOKTASTIC beauty box especially for the month of October.

Scroll down to see what ghostly items they have installed for us! 

This round, Althea sent me 
of beauty products.

2 huge boxes... but frankly, there's only 4 featured products hehs....

It took me about a week to receive these items, all the way from Korea.
Each product I received is written in Korean language, thus I think it's best to refer to Althea's website to get the full English explanation.

Come and take a peek!
I promise it will not be as spooky ;)




RM230 RM53

The Monster Pack comes in two variants: White & Black. I got the white one, which targets Pores & Elasticity concerns. Since everything is written in Korean, I read up on Althea's website to get the full explanation before slapping it onto my sensitive face.

What I gathered was you could determine your face concerns (dry / elasticity) by observing the end result of how the mask dries on your face.

So basically this is a face mask that combines 2 components: powder + liquid.
All you have to do is mix 2 scoops of powder and 2 spoons of liquid into the mixing bowl then apply it onto your face from your chin upwards. 

RM76 RM42

This looks harmless enough though it's called "Hell-pore". It is used to remove blackheads and sebum from the skin, especially on nose and chin area. Apparently it's "hell" because of strong adhesive power that sticks to your skin + dirt that causes pain when ripping it off from your face *lol*

RM58 RM27

Ok pardon the above pic looks really exaggerated!
This syringe looking beauty product is actually a hair mask that is made of mainly protein & ceramide. Apply onto hair after shampoo and leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse off!

The design of it makes the product easy to dispense in a hygienic manner, which I like a lot! I can easily control the amount without overdoing it.

RM140 RM85

This set of 6 chubby sticks are pretty straightforward, nothing confusing or monster-like. Except... if you consider black as a monstrous colour lol.

I actually like this set best... because it's a makeup product *yay*
The six colours allow me to mix and match according to my mood without spending extra moolah on other lip colours!
However you need to be very careful when mixing with Black... because sometimes it can turn out like a HOT MESS!




So, what do you think of Althea's Halloween box?
Any "monstrous" beauty you would definitely be digging next?
Let me know what's your best K-beauty invention so far in the comments section because I would def like to read them! :)

Pssstt... if you click on my referral to Althea, you'll get RM20 credits to start your shopping!
