Review: SK-II GenOptics Aura Essence

Late March, I received a new bottle of SK-II GenOptics Aura Essence from SK-II's #Auragoals Change Destiny party. The launch reveals 2 new products: GenOptics Aura Essence & GenOptics Spot Essence. After about a month's usage, I decided to pen down my thoughts on the product.

But first, a little background on how these products came about.




UV DAMAGE: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE Question: Damage to the skin caused by UV exposure results in:
  • Spots
  • Darkness
  • Hidden issues that aren’t visible yet, or
  • All of the above?

The correct answer: All of the above! Spots and darkness are just some of the visible effects caused by UV damage, but there are also hidden effects that lurk beneath the surface of the skin.
Just because you don’t see the effects of UV damage on your skin in your 20s, that doesn’t mean they’re not there – hidden spots caused by UV exposure can take years to appear. I found it fascinating that SK-II broke down that extended UV exposure damages into 10 skin parameters. The hidden damages appear as ‘clouds’ within the skin, blocking skin’s natural aura and radiance.

New Discovery of Skin Clouds

Through extensive study of the science of skin, light and optical properties, SK-II made a breakthrough in skin whitening; more UV exposure causes damage to the skin, leading to visible and hidden age spots and dark and dull skin tone that blocks skin’s aura. In combination these issues create a “cloudy” complexion or “skin clouds” that prevent clearer, more radiant skin; even amongst panelists in their 20 or those less exposed to UV who were yet to experience visible spots.

SK-II’s research detected and measured three factors contributing to skin clouds; brownish clouds representing hidden spots, grayish clouds representing “wide-spread” melanin (dark skin tone /pigmentation) and reddish clouds representing “increased hemoglobin” (dull skin tone).

GenOptics Aura Essence contains two new ingredients – Prunus extract and Inositol – that are absent from Cellumination Aura Essence. In-vitro test results have shown that Prunus extract combined with concentrated Pitera™ and active whitening ingredient, D-melano P3C™ mitigates sunburn damage and melanin formation which lead to dark and dull skin tone, while Inositol increase clarity in cells. The new formula penetrates consistently into the skin, efficiently delivering the ingredients where they are needed. GenOptics Aura Essence replaces Cellumination Aura Essence.

After 8 weeks of continuous use, the GenOptics Aura Essence is said to improve the skin’s spot-less and cloudless aura with significant reduction in age spots and melanins as well as visible improvement in skin tone.

This new bottle also comes with an improved dropper that only requires the touch of one finger, unlike its predecessor with the need of using two fingers. The new auto-fill dropper technology in each GenOptics bottle is specially designed so that one full drop provides the optimal dosage for best results. It amazes me that I don't have to pinch the tip twice in order to fill the dropper, just once will do to dispense the serum!

Left: Cellumination Aura Essence (predecessor) / Right: GenOptics Aura Essence (current)


SK-II has upgraded its Magic Ring program with a “Cloud Meter” to show signs of UV damage including visible spots and even hidden clouds. ‘Cloud areas’ measure accumulated UV induced damage on the skin while ‘aura areas’ measure the brightness of the skin. The detection of grayish and reddish clouds represent dark and dull skin tone, therefore the bigger the ‘cloud area,’ the less radiant skin is. Meanwhile, the bigger the ‘aura area,’ the brighter the skin is.

Book your Magic Ring consultation today at
This is how the Magic Ring Test Looks like, it will measure 5 dimensions of your skin and will show you your skin's resistance against them.

Btw, I'm really really happy because my skin is a couple of years younger than my results!

The Cloud Meter is found under Radiance Enhancement. This is me at 79 after 2 weeks of using SK-II GenOptics Aura Essence. Let's see what happens in a couple of weeks!


My Skincare Routine:
Cleanser > Toner > Facial Treatment Essence (FTE) > Facial Oils > GenOptics Aura Essence > Moisturizer > Eye Cream

I was a little scared as always whenever it comes to switching up my skincare, as I have sensitive skin. My skin seems to be less tolerating towards new products as I age (oh bummer) so naturally, I was very careful and observant with this whitening serum (my skin is sensitive towards anti-aging / whitening agents).
It was mentioned that ONE FULL PUMP is the optimum dosage but I only used half of the pipet to get my skin to get used to the product first. I'm really glad I did that because so far it's been going well for me! My skin didn't encounter any breakouts or any small irritation throughout my product usage.
When I took the Magic Ring Test at Parkson 1 Utama recently, the counter lady (Irene) was really impressed that my skin brightness is already showing a high score (which is indicative that the serum is working). She mentioned that she is looking forward to seeing results in a few weeks time as it may increase too :)

At the counter, she educated me on the proper way of using the serum. She poured the serum into her palm, pressed both palms together to create heat using body temperature. After that, she inhaled the serum and then placed both palms onto her cheeks, while moving outwards towards the entire face. She also "awaken" the skin by doing a playing piano-like finger motion around the whole face, placing emphasis at the cheekbones, chin, forehead, temples, and under eyes area.

Seeing how awesome the product has worked for my skin, I picked another bottle of SK-II Facial Treatment Essence and the latest Facial Oil to be incorporated into my skin regime. Will be posting my thoughts in a month's time, so look out for it soon!


Protect your skin from future spots caused by UV exposure with SK-II’s GenOptics Aura Essence and GenOptics Spot Essence available at all SK-II counters in Malaysia from March 2016.

SK-II GenOptics Aura Essence 30ml RM555 / 50ml RM790
SK-II GenOptics Spot Essence 30 ml RM470 / 50ml RM685 / 75 ml RM920
